The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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This system was written as 21 overlay procedures representing 11355 lines of
code. The system is written in Turbo Pascal for a 256k IBM Personal
Computer or close compatible with one or two disk drives and a printer. At
least one secretary is using a Tandy 1000. The system is highly generalized,
permitting initialization of most items including:
League Name
Bowling Establishment
League Type - Including Mixed and Scratch Leagues 3 or 4 Games per match
Team Configuration
Handicap Basis
Schedule - Automatically Sorts Position Rounds
As distributed, the system can handle 40 teams, up to 10 bowlers per team
(400 total), and up to a 50 round season. The 40 team limit is a function of
the diskette space on 1 DSDD (360k) disk. If the Program is appropriately
modified a much larger number of teams can be accommodated. The actual
limit is a function of diskette capacity, number of teams, number of
bowlers, and number of rounds. If more than 24 teams are used a printer
capable of condensed or elite(up to 30 teams) type must be used in order to
have room for the schedule AND a high density diskette (720k) may be needed
Programs are provided to initialize all master files, enter scores and
print standings (weekly), as well as prepare ABC/WIBC book average listings,
final team/bowler standings, and display or print individual team/bowler
record sheets. Almost any Point Scoring may be used including Peterson.
The system is designed to be used on either a one or more disk drive
system with the file drive or fixed disk path set at program start-up.
Procedure selection is controlled by a master MENU program. You will need
to maintain all bowler files on a separate diskette or in a separate
directory. In a single drive environment, DOS will provide prompts to
insert the appropriate diskette. Just remember;
Drive A = PROGRAMS; Drive B = FILES.
The following pages show the names of files generated by this program and
the records kept in each of the files. Also included is information
concerning what can be entered in each file. Have as much of the
information needed before pressing M to start League Initialization or S to
Create the season Schedule as possible. Some may be entered with Change.
League.Ldr: League Name - Up to 30 Characters
215 Bytes Alley Name - Up to 30 Characters
President - Up to 30 Characters
Secretary - Up to 30 Characters
Season - Up to 30 Characters
President's Phone - Up to 13 Characters
Secretary's Phone - Up to 13 Characters
Sanction Number - Up to 10 Characters
*Number of Weeks - From 1 to 50 {Now called Rounds}
*Number of Teams - From 1 to 40
*League Type - 9 Types are listed.
*Mandatory *Bowlers per Team - From 1 to 10 Number allowed on team
to start. *Bowlers per Match - From 1 to 8 Number on 1 team for 1 match
Next ID - Up to 401 - The number of Bowlers + 1
Handicap Base - From 0 to 300 (Prior to entering
Handicap Percent - From 0 to 100 Scores)
*Maximum Handicap - From 0 to 240 Limit on handicap
*Use Last Year Avg - From 0 to 21 Number of Games
Skip Subs - True or False ?Subs in High Bowlers
HighAvg - True or False ?Print High Averages
HighHCP - True or False ?Re-figure after 21 games
PrintScratch - True or False ?Team hi scores scratch
Schedule.Rec: 49 Bytes + 49 Bytes per round
Status - L = Lanes R = Regular P = Position Night
Date - Up to 5 Characters - Date to Bowl
Lanes - Up to 40 Numbers - Either Lanes or Teams
Team.Ldr: 82 Bytes per team
Team Number - From 1 to 40
Team Name - Up to 30 Characters
NOTE:The rest of this file is created by the program with no input.
Record Count - From 0 to 50 - 1 for each round bowled
Games - From 0 to 200 - 1 for each game bowled
Total Pins - Total Pin Count - including handicap if any
Average - Total Pins divided by Games
High Game - Highest Game so far this season
High Series - Highest Series so far this season
HighGameHCP - Highest Game so far this season with handicap
HighSeriesHCP - Highest Series so far this season with handicap
Points Won - Points Won so far this season
Points Lost - Points Lost so far this season
Bowler ID's - 1 ID Number for each Bowler on Team
Bowler.Ldr: 85 Bytes per bowler
Bowler ID Number - From 1 to 400 - In order entered into file
Gender - M = Male F = Female
Last Name(or *VACANT) - Up to 15 Characters┐ These should total no
First Name - Up to 15 Characters┘ more than 20
Phone Number - Up to 13 Characters
Social Security Number - Up to 11 Characters
Record Count - From 0 to 50 - Number of Rounds Bowled
Games Bowled - From 0 to 200
Total Pins - Scratch
Average - Total Pins divided by Games Bowled
High Game - Up to 300 High Game so far this season Scratch
High Series - Up to 1200 High Series so far this season "
Current Series - Up to 1200 Last Series Bowled this season
Handicap - Up to 200 Calculated after 21 games
High Game Handicap - Up to 500 - Calculated after 21 games
High Series Handicap - Up to 1200 - Calculated after 21 games
Team Number - 0 to 40 - Team assigned to
Last Years Average - Up to 300 - Used Until 21 Games
Team.Dtl: Team Number - From 1 to 40
┐ Month - Up to 2 characters - Month match was bowled
300 Bytes│ Day - Up to 2 Characters - Day match was bowled
+ │ Game 1 Score - Even number - Team score for first game
30 Bytes│ Game 2 Score - Even number - Team score for second game
per team │ Game 3 Score - Even number - Team score for third game
per round │ Game 4 Score - Even number - Team score for fourth game if any
┘ Series - Even number - Team score for series
Points Won - Decimal number - Points Won this match
Points Lost - Decimal number - Points Lost this match
Bowler.Dtl: Bowler Number - From 1 to 400
┐ Month - Up to 2 characters - Month match was Bowled
180 Bytes │ Day - Up to 2 Characters - Day match was Bowled
+ │ Game 1 Score - Up to 300 - Score for first Game
18 Bytes │ Game 2 Score - Up to 300 - Score for second Game
per bowler │ Game 3 Score - Up to 300 - Score for third Game
per round │ Game 4 Score - Up to 300 - Score for fourth Game if any
┘ Series - Up to 1200 - Score for series
Scores.Rec: 18 Bytes per high roller
Bowler ID Number - From 1 to 400
Game 1 Score - Up to 300 - Score for first Game
Game 2 Score - Up to 300 - Score for second Game
Game 3 Score - Up to 300 - Score for third Game
Game 4 Score - Up to 300 - Score for fourth Game if any
Series - Up to 1200 - Score for series
High Game 1 ? - True or False┐
High Game 2 ? - True or False│ Different basis for
High Game 3 ? - True or False├ different League Types
High Game 4 ? - True or False│
High Series ? - True or False┘
High Count - 0 to 5 - Number of Trues above
This file is rewritten each round when scores are entered and the
information is used to create the round highlights lists. A Scores.Rec
file is not created by the Make program so it won't be on the disk until the
first rounds scores are entered. Skipping teams really can screw this up.
The Program is mostly menu driven and should need only a little trial and
error to use. Just type BOWL enter the path to your data and a menu will
appear, then press M and you are on your way. I recommend doing a sample
league first to get the feel of the program.
The following are the most important points to remember when using this
1> IMMEDIATELY after Creating your League and Schedule, MAKE A BACKUP
of these files on a separate disk or path and UPDATE EACH ROUND!
2> PRIOR to ENTERING SCORES check your score sheets and be certain
3> On the TEAM.LDR you may change the Bowler ID's. I suggest putting
the Team Captain in position #1.
4> If you remove a bowler from a team be sure to change the BOWLER.LDR
to show his Team number as 0.
5> If you add a bowler to a team be sure to change the BOWLER.LDR to
show the new team number.
6> If you change data in the LEAGUE.LDR, QUIT and restart by entering
bowl at the DOS prompt to initialize variables.
If you find this program of use, a registration fee to the author in the
amount of $25 per league per season is expected. Also please write the
author with any suggestions for improvement or with details of any bugs you
might find. The authors name and address is:
Lloyd C. Bowen Jr.
2213 Peachtree St.
Amarillo, TX 79109-1922
Please include the current version that you are using and the type of
floppy you desire (3 1/2", 1.2 MB or 360 KB 5 1/4") in any correspondence.
The "Bowling League - Finance Manager" which keeps track of the league
finances is now available to registered users for an additional fee of $25.
The "Address" program "ADDRESS.COM" which lets you keep an address list of
the bowlers and print 1" x 3.5" mail labels, is now free to registered users.
The "Recap" program "RECAP.COM" which allows you to print Recap (Bowling
League Record) Sheets is now free to registered users. This requires a
printer that prints in a compressed (17 CPI) font.
Australian (ATBC) and 5 Pin versions are available to registered users.
The commented source code in Turbo Pascal is available on a 360k diskette
for an additional fee of $50
A Professional version is available that does all this and more with up to
64 teams and 512 bowlers. Requires 720K or larger floppy drive and prefers
Hard Disk, also requires 640K RAM and uses EMS if available. Program uses
about 500K disk space. Some added features are:
1) Specify number of games to establish a legal average (handicap).
2) Add, delete and renumber teams before scores are entered.
3) Set up includes path to team records, you only enter it once.
4) Enters scores in schedule order.
5) Includes Australian, 5 Pin and Candlepin options.
6) Includes Finance Manager and Recap program.
7) Allows separate handicaps for men and women.
8) Adds several new print options and more!
Lloyd C. Bowen Jr.
2213 Peachtree St.
Amarillo, TX 79109-1922